Industrial DMLS 3D Printer


Metal Powder Bed Fusion 3D Printer

SHINING 3D's EP-M150 is the most concise and competitive entry level metal 3D printer in the industry. Equipped with powerful 200W fiber laser and possibility to upgrade it to dual laser system makes EP-M150 a high speed, performance delivering metal 3D printer.

EP-M150 is an amalgam of Intuitively designed compact footprint, super simplifed user-interface and more than 10 security technologies in one machine.

With a small laser facula and possibility to attain really diminished layer thickness up-to 20 μm, coupled with Shining 3D's complete open system, EP-M150 gives all-round freedom and enhanced results in various areas of small to medium scale metal applications, such as research institutes working on novel materials and parameters development, medical industry and ornamental industry.


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